Harter, Skye Individual for Website no bg

Skye Harter

“I enjoy the alignment of the individual and team toward a common purpose. I love learning and applying new principles to that end and participating in outcomes that deliver peace and rest to the stakeholders.”

With experience at an accounting firm and an organizational consulting firm, Skye brings to our Highland team a unique perspective with a passion for excellence. Skye has also served in business development, creating strategic partnerships among like-minded organizations for a Northeast Ohio nonprofit.


  • With Highland since 2023


  • BS, University of Akron

“I’m eager to help clients steward their investments with excellence aligned to their values so they can reach their goals knowing they’ve made sound decisions with available data and tools.”

As a former 2-year team captain of the University of Akron’s soccer team, a local club team coach, and one of 4 boys in his family, Skye has learned how to galvanize others around a common goal. (And he has the bruises to prove it.) When he’s not in the office or on the pitch, Skye’s got a book in one hand and a cup of artisanal roasted coffee in the other. The works of C.S. Lewis are among his favorites.