For Those Counting on You, Count On Us

Since 1993, we have taken up the cause of our endowment and foundation clients as a co-fiduciary. We’ve aligned ourselves to serve you, while you serve a greater good.

Investor Advocates®

You’re asked to balance today’s needs against tomorrow’s promises on behalf of others you serve—students, people in need, local communities, and places of learning, healing, art, and inspiration. With so many beneficiaries counting on you, you can count on us.

Endowments & Foundations

Grow your organization's assets into perpetuity, and impact your community, organization, donors and beneficiaries for generations.

Nonprofit Organizations

Rely on an independent, impartial investment advisor reflecting your prudent management of assets entrusted to your care.

Consulting Services

Traditional or OCIO Consulting

As your Investor Advocates, we serve in a non-discretionary or discretionary (OCIO) relationship. In any arrangement, we deliver on our pledge to advocate for you.

Fiduciary Support

As your co-fiduciary, we don’t shy away from plan complexities. Our processes, reports, checklists, and in-person meetings give you the tools and confidence that you are fulfilling your fiduciary duty.

Proprietary Research Tools

Highland invests heavily in firm-developed systems. Our rigorous analyses identify vetted investment options at carefully managed costs.

Manager Search, Selection, and Monitoring

Highland conducts due diligence and annually participates in hundreds of meetings with managers. With every contact, our database is updated with notes, documents, ratings, and supporting analytics in order to construct portfolios with a target mix of styles, approaches, and desired exposures.

Tailored Portfolios

Our credentialed in-house investment team creates one-of-a-kind investment portfolios tailored to your organization.

Spending Rule Analysis

Consider current policies, modeled against other spending rules that may better serve your organization.

Cultivate Donor Confidence

Hire an independent investment advisor who further demonstrates your prudent management of assets entrusted to your care.

ESG Investments

Highland can help you explore and implement investment strategies that demonstrate your active commitment to mission values while helping to achieve returns that amplify your impact.

Diversity & Inclusion

Highland is an employee-owned firm. We value diversity among our owner-associates believing that diversity of background, training, and thought, melded in a collaborative and supportive environment, yields better decisions for our clients.

Retirement Plans

Since 1993, Highland has advocated for retirement plan sponsors. Today, we continue to advocate for our clients’ success by becoming knowledgeable in what matters to them and their plan’s success.

We tailor our service with customization that encompasses not only plan investments, but also thoughtful plan design, compliance monitoring, fee management, and participant communication as well.

Highland Research

Highland’s approach to research is grounded in our philosophy and activated through our commitment to independent and analytical evaluation for client-first results.

Your On-Staff, Off-Site Resource

Periodic meetings are a given, but relationships are built in the time between. That’s when issues arise and solutions are delivered. Highland’s client-first commitment invites you to lean on us.

Consider us your trusted colleague—on your side and just a phone call or email away.