Happy 5/29 Day!

photo credit: Unsplash Happy 5/29 Day! Today we celebrate the 529 Plan, a college savings vehicle with tax-free withdrawals. What Is a 529 Plan? What Are the Benefits? This beneficial tax treatment comes with a few strings attached: While not federally tax deductible, contributions in certain states are state income tax deductible The money must…

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Forecasting Equity Returns – What Can I Count On in 2024? Part Three: Smoke and Mirrors Day – A Celebration of Small Caps, Global Funds and Emerging Markets

Photo credit: Pixabay A three-part conversation with Highland Consulting Associates. Over the past several weeks we have been considering what you can expect from investment returns in 2024—or, rather, whether you can count on 2024 predictions at all. We’ve organized this series into three parts (see Part One and Part Two)  to cover the major…

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Forecasting Equity Returns – What Can I Count On in 2024? Part Two: What are the Pieces of the Pie? (And Is Your Pie Getting Smaller?)

Photo credit: Pixabay A three-part conversation with Highland Consulting Associates. In the next several weeks we’ll consider what you can expect from investment returns in 2024—or, rather, whether you can count on 2024 predictions at all. We’ll break this series into three parts to cover the major areas of investment opportunities beginning with historical returns,…

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Forecasting Equity Returns – What Can I Count On in 2024? Part One: Normalized Distribution – Ring a Bell (Curve)?

Photo credit: Pixabay A three-part conversation with Highland Consulting Associates. In the next several weeks we’ll consider what you can expect from investment returns in 2024—or, rather, whether you can count on 2024 predictions at all. We’ll break this series into three parts to cover the major areas of investment opportunities beginning with historical returns,…

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Inevitabilities: Death, Taxes…and Audits?

Benjamin Franklin is often quoted for having said there are two certainties in life: death and taxes. But, as mid and large plan sponsors of defined contribution (DC) plans can attest, their annual benefit plan audit is another certainty. And let’s not overlook the possibility of a regulatory audit. Regarding the latter, there’s been significant…

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Come Together: Nonprofits Pool Plans

Pooled plans are now for nonprofit organizations. U.S. nonprofits account for 10% of the U.S. workforce, trailing only retail and manufacturing[i]. Not only that, but the sector has grown dramatically over the last 15 years[ii]. For nonprofits wanting to attract and retain employees (most often, employees who share a commitment to the nonprofit’s mission), offering…

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Fiduciary Training: Put Fear to Rest

Fear is a powerful motivating force. Advertisers are keenly aware of this and market products to spur consumers to action. FOMO, “fear of missing out,” is part of our modern-day lexicon. More obscure is liticaphobia, the irrational fear of lawsuits or being sued by someone. This fear is based on an unfounded sense that you…

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