Operation London Bridge – What’s Your Plan?

photo credit: Unsplash “Begin with the end in mind.”   −Stephen Covey In December 2023, the award-winning Netflix series on Queen Elizabeth II and the royal family, The Crown, ended its run. During a recent break, we found ourselves watching those later episodes of the aging Queen at the time of her Golden Jubilee and, later,…

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Avoid A Knockout

“You can map out a light plan or a life plan but when action starts it may not go the way you planned, and you’re down to the reflexes you developed in training…” Joe Frazier (American Professional Boxer)   A friend shared with me how his son was preparing for a formal boxing match. Beyond…

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Inevitabilities: Death, Taxes…and Audits?

Benjamin Franklin is often quoted for having said there are two certainties in life: death and taxes. But, as mid and large plan sponsors of defined contribution (DC) plans can attest, their annual benefit plan audit is another certainty. And let’s not overlook the possibility of a regulatory audit. Regarding the latter, there’s been significant…

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The Power of the PENsion: Labor Day and the Pension Plan

Pension Plans may be declining in numbers, but for millions of workers they are an essential retirement benefit with a history that is tied to Labor Day. Although summer may end officially on September 21, for most Americans, the season ends with Labor Day. The first Labor Day was celebrated in 1882. Far from marking…

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Come Together: Nonprofits Pool Plans

Pooled plans are now for nonprofit organizations. U.S. nonprofits account for 10% of the U.S. workforce, trailing only retail and manufacturing[i]. Not only that, but the sector has grown dramatically over the last 15 years[ii]. For nonprofits wanting to attract and retain employees (most often, employees who share a commitment to the nonprofit’s mission), offering…

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