Millennials Investing in a New(er) Millennia

Gone are the days of calling a stockbroker to hear the latest picks to then place a trade with a $50 commission for a mutual fund with a 2% expense ratio. Today, the average American 20-something with a phone and a brokerage account can place a zero-commission trade for any security on an exchange in…

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Reframing Our Perspective

“What I am looking for is a blessing not in disguise.” Jerome K. Jerome In response to aphorisms like “adversity builds character,” and “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” is the honest plea from 19th century humorist Jerome K. Jerome, “What I am looking for is a blessing not in disguise.” While hard to…

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Flipped Out over Fiduciary Liability Insurance?

In 2020, more than 200 class action lawsuits were filed under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). It was the high water mark for actions targeting the alleged mismanagement of 401(k) and 403(b) defined contribution retirement plans. A total of 125 such actions were filed in 2021, and subject experts expect another 75 to…

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Clients Ask:

What do rising inflation and interest rates mean for fixed income investments and the economy?Are we seeing mixed signals? Highland Responds Our Highland clients have wanted to know how rising inflation and interest rate hikes impact fixed income investments and the broader economic picture. Are we seeing mixed signals? Possibly. And there may have been…

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2022 Inflation and Investments

There’s no dodging inflation. But investors can hedge against it. If you drive a truck or SUV, no one needs to tell you that inflation has risen to uncomfortable heights—heights not seen in 40 years. A tank of regular gasoline that cost an SUV driver $114 last year, as we enter the summer vacation season,…

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ESG Investment Rules for ERISA Plans

While the Department of Labor rules keep changing, plan sponsors and fiduciaries should be familiar with this investment approach and what these rule changes could mean for retirement plans. As investor interest in sustainable investments has been increasing over the last decade, the trend has attracted heightened interest and action from regulatory and legislative bodies…

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